Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yoga Breathing For Better Health

Kuvalyanand Swami once said: "Yoga is the message of the human body, the human mind and human spirit."

It is a truism that a healthy body is the primordial to the success and happiness in life. People are more and more convinced that yoga makes for good health, contentment and happiness in the stressful life of today and it is not just an exercise regimen.

In this article we will discuss Anuloma-Viloma (alternate breathing) pranayama. Pranayama means simply good "management" of the life force - prana. Although the basic principle remains the same, many of pranayama have been developed, each with a unique technique. Anuloma-Viloma shuddhi pranayama or nadis (nerve cleansing pranayama) is a type and is considered one of the basic forms.

Anuloma Viloma practice is a bit like the team to regulate traffic on roads, caring for their cleanliness, beautification, etc and keeps traffic moving smoothly and efficiently. The method involves breathing (Pooraka) through one nostril and vice versa. So this is the name of viloma anuloma pranayama, ie alternate breathing.

To practice this, you have to sit in a session of yoga postures. To begin, continue with normal breathing Mula Bandha (anal contraction is comfortable). Mula Bandha maintain a stable breathing and exhale completely. Make sure the Mula bandha is not loosened during the process. Pause for a time between inhalation and exhalation. Inhale deeply through your left nostril and exhale through the right, then inhale through right and exhale through the left. Keep breathing in this way, which is alternately the right and left nostrils, one to three minutes.

After reaching a comfort level in this way, you can skip to the next phase. Close the right nostril with your right thumb with the other four fingers together. Now exhale slowly through the left nostril at a uniform speed. Repeat with the other nostril. As you inhale, lift your shoulders and your chest expand to take up sides. The lower abdominal region, however, must be kept in.

Pros: The cleaning of the airways, and is preparing a well for the continuation of pranayama others. Breathing becomes easier and regulated. The mind becomes and heart rate. Also helps in increasing concentration, memory and other mental functions.

Cons-indications: severe pain in the abdomen, swelling due to appendicitis, enlargement of the liver, intestine or very delicate intestine, lung diseases, severe infections of the throat, growth in the nose (polyps) or blockage of nasal passages due to cold, etc..

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and site. To avoid problems when they do the asanas, it is advisable to consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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